Sprint's Samsung Epic 4G Froyo Update: Rolling out

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Have a Sprint Samsung Epic 4G? Been waiting for Android OS 2.2 (Froyo)? Well now you’re in luck, with Sprint officially starting the rollout process for the Froyo update. The update brings to the Epic 4G plenty of new and improved features and functions including:

  • Upgrade of the Google OS from ‰clair to Froyo (2.2.1)
  • Ability to install applications to external storage
  • Improved Bluetooth device support
  • Bluetooth Voice Dialing
  • Flash Player 10.1
  • GPS Enhancements
  • Improved OS performance
  • Email PIN based authentication
  • User friendly tethering for 3G and 4G

You can check out the release stages for the Froyo update below. This is direct from Sprint, who say that all customers with a Samsung Epic 4G device will have the update within 4 days, so keep a lookout for that notification.  Or, if you’re like me, just keep checking for updates yourself, it’ll be there eventually.

Froyo Roll-out Schedule

Time Zone Reference:

US/Pacific         09:00:00 9 PM 21-Feb-2011

US/Mountain     10:00:00 10 PM

US/Central        11:00:00 11 PM

US/Eastern       12:00:00 Midnight 22-Feb-2011

If you don’t want to wait for the Android 2.2 update to push itself to your device, manual install instructions are available if you dare. Just follow the steps below, courtesy of AndroidCentra,l to get Froyo on your Epic 4G NOW.

  1. Download the update from Samsung. Hint: Just download the Mac version, even if you have a PC. The file you download will be the update.zip.
  2. Move the update.zip file to your SD card (instructions).
  3. Turn off your phone.
  4. Hold the Volume Down and Camera buttons, then press the power button.
  5. The update should automatically launch itself. Sit back and relax.
  6. Reboot the phone.

As long as you did everything listed above, you should have Froyo on your Epic 4G. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Source: AndroidCentral